Contact Us to Schedule LIVE Training!


We offer an assortment of different formats and options

Video Tutorials

Probably the most cost efficient means of getting training on gas detectors is through our video library.  We have beginner and advanced training on general gas safety and detection techniques. We also have a library of over 350 different gas detectors that are in use today, and the intricacies of using those instruments safely.


While our most pricey training option, it is also the one where your team will get the most value. We will fly out our certified gas detection trainers to a location of your choice. You will receive training on any equipment you wish in your own work environment. Trainings typically last a week and offer the greatest opportunity for hands-on reinforcement of concepts.


Would you like to pay us a visit and receive training at the Gas Detectors Inc training school?  It's a good idea, because we have a wide assortment of hands on training stations to help simulate just about any situation you can think of. We have full scale office, factory, bus, train, airplane, and ship models in which we conduct the trainings. You will also be able to train on the widest range of gas detection instruments and tools.

Telephone consult

It's really important to see the training live, so we don't offer this for first time trainees. But after you have had a training, we are happy to offer support via phone or email. We also have an emergency number ... for well emergencies that is staffed 24 hours a day. In case of an unfortunate incident we are definitely available to help in any way that we can.